Who does your hair?

#KiKiDoesMyHair Lol! My name is KiKi and this hashtag came about because clients would tell friends "KiKi Does My Hair", then one day it stuck with me. I said it over and again to myself, then hashtagging became a big thing and there I was as #KiKiDoesMyHair and I love it. I have been a hairdresser for what seems like my entire life. My mommy was an amazing woman but fashion, or hair is not her thing. I remember the first time that she took me to have my hair done, by my cousin, who knew how to "do hair". I was twelve years old and I was preparing for Easter Sunday with a "new do". I loved it, but I knew that my mommy did not have the time or finance to maintain this hair that I admired. I asked my cousin how to do it and she happily told me. It all began at that point that I loved doing hair. I started experimenting with my hair, then I began combing my little sister's hair and later my mommy. I realized that this was something that I could make a career of. I went to a technical high school and had my license about the same time that I received my diploma. The next step was getting into a salon. Once I was in I managed for seven years and did well. Then I figured that if I can do this for a company Im sure that I can do it for myself. Six years ago that journey began and I have enjoyed the ups and downs of being a small business owner...
Thank you for stopping by but I hope that you stay tuned for more. You are welcome to come along for the ride.